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[148] Branham held the belief that the serpent was transformed into a reptile after it was cursed by God. [70][71] In 1947, Rev. "[75] Followers of Branham's teachings can be found around the world; Branham claimed to have made over one million converts during his campaign meetings. Despite Branham's objections, some followers of his teachings placed him at the center of a cult of personality during his final years. [124] He believed the story of the fall of man in the Garden of Eden is allegorical and interpreted it to mean the serpent had sexual intercourse with Eve and that their offspring was Cain. [46] With the main subject of the magazine no longer actively campaigning, Lindsay was forced to seek other ministers to promote. William Marrion Branham (Burkesville, 6 aprile 1909 – Amarillo, 24 dicembre 1965) è stato un predicatore statunitense e pastore pentecostale.Considerato profeta dai suoi seguaci, insegnava che i cristiani devono ritornare alla fede degli apostoli, fu uno degli iniziatori del … [79] The photograph showed a light above Branham's head, which he and his associates believed to be supernatural. [89], According to Hollenweger, "Branham filled the largest stadiums and meeting halls in the world" during his five major international campaigns. Total I falsi insegnamenti di Branham sulla Bibbia. William Branham era un predicatore americano molto famoso ai suoi giorni che si proclamò il Messaggero degli Ultimi giorni, e che insegnò parecchie eresie. [k], Crowder said Branham was a victim of "the adoration of man" because his followers began to idolize him in the later part of his ministry. LA POLYGAMIE est un adultère LA LOI ETAIT UNE OMBRE DES CHOSES AVENIR et non l'exacte représentation des choses HÉBREUX 10:1 bb122088 1 En effet, la … His ministry spawned many emulators and set in motion the broader healing revival that later became the modern Charismatic movement. Alfred Pohl, a minister in Saskatchewan, Canada, stated that many people Branham pronounced as healed later died. Branham claimed to have received an angelic visitation on May 7, 1946, commissioning his worldwide ministry and launching his campaigning career in mid-1946. [54][68] At the peak of his popularity in the 1950s, Branham was widely adored and "the neo-Pentecostal world believed Branham to be a prophet to their generation". According to Hagin, God revealed that Branham was teaching false doctrine and God was removing him because of his disobedience. Dedicated to ministering to both races, Branham insisted on holding interracial meetings even in the southern states. [167] The Toronto Blessing, the Brownsville Revival, and other nationwide revivals of the late 20th century have their roots in Branham's restorationist teachings. Branham. [10] Branham called his childhood "a terrible life. [172][173][76], In the confusion immediately following Branham's death, expectations that he would rise from the dead developed among his followers. [22] Baptist historian Doug Weaver said Branham might have embellished the baptismal story when he was achieving success in the healing revival. [115] According to Weaver, Branham's views on modern culture were the primary reason the growing Charismatic movement rejected him; his views also prevented him from following his contemporaries who were transitioning from the healing revival to the new movement. [81][72] Among the widespread media reports was a story in the Los Angeles Times that described it as "perhaps the most effective healing testimony this generation has ever seen". [15] He was first exposed to a Pentecostal denominational church in 1936, which invited him to join, but he refused. [77] Branham generally attributed the failure of supplicants to receive healing to their lack of faith. [41] Branham's fame began to grow as a result of the publicity and reports covering his meetings. [119], Branham continued to travel to churches and preach his doctrine across North America during the 1960s. [1] The Charismatic view that the Christian church should return to a form like that of the early church has its roots in Branham's teachings during the healing revival period. [14] As a result, he may have been exposed to some Pentecostal teachings from his conversion. Branham died following a car accident in 1965. [158] Branham left the identity of the messenger open to the interpretation of his followers, who widely accepted that he was that messenger. Visualizza i profili delle persone di nome R Branham. [132] By the 1960s, he had changed to openly teaching the Oneness position, according to which there is one God who manifests himself in multiple ways; in contrast with the Trinitarian view that three distinct persons comprise the Godhead. La rédemption dans sa totalité, dans la joie, Comment l’Ange est venu à moi, et Sa commission, Le même Jésus ce soir (Traduction en direct), Le Christ sans bienvenue (Traduction en direct), Monsieur, nous voudrions voir Jésus (Traduction en direct). [88] Despite such occasional glowing reports, most of the press coverage Branham received was negative. [133] By the end of his ministry, his message required an acceptance of the oneness of the Godhead and baptism in the name of Lord Jesus Christ. Nearly five years before his birth, during a prayer and study time, Brother Branham began to reflect on the Genesis story of Joseph, and what a mighty man of God he was. [111], As the healing revival began to wane, many of Branham's contemporaries moved into the leadership of the emerging Charismatic movement, which emphasized use of spiritual gifts. [175] The expectation of his resurrection remained strong into the 1970s, in part based on Branham's prediction that the rapture could occur by 1977. [46] Following the Shreveport meetings, Branham held a series of meetings in San Antonio, Phoenix, and at various locations in California. [30] Divine healing is a tradition and belief that was historically held by a majority of Christians but it became increasingly associated with Evangelical Protestantism. Branham era un uomo come me, e pure lui aveva bisogno della stessa e medesima Parola, che è Cristo rivelato negli ultimi giorni prima d’iniziare la Grande Tribolazione. Leggi tutto. 3 non ho albergo chiesto Motel in via. Les Messages De Fr Branham. [115] His criticisms of Pentecostal organizations, and especially his views on holiness and the role of women, led to his rejection by the growing Charismatic movement and the Pentecostals from whom he had originally achieved popularity. [105] Branham critics Peter Duyzer and John Collins reported that Branham "performed numerous miracles", drawing a crowd of 11,000. [5] Branham told his publicist Gordon Lindsay that he had mystical experiences from an early age;[4] and that at age three he heard a "voice" speaking to him from a tree telling him "he would live near a city called New Albany". [14][b], During June 1933, Branham held revival meetings in his tent. [43] The size of the crowds presented a problem for Branham's team as they found it difficult to find venues that could seat large numbers of attendees. William Marrion Branham (April 6, 1909 – December 24, 1965) was an American Christian minister and faith healer who initiated the post–World War II healing revival. Il Gruppo Branham Va a Nord 101 18. [95] The IRS investigation showed Branham did not pay close attention to the amount of money flowing through his ministry. [75] Branham was openly confronted with such criticisms and rejected the assertions.[75]. Paul Cain, Bill Hamon, Kenneth Hagin, and other restoration prophets cite Branham as a major influence; they played a critical role in introducing Branham's restoration views to the Apostolic-Prophetic Movement, the Association of Vineyard Churches, and other large Charismatic organizations. [102], Among Branham's emulators was Jim Jones, the founder and leader of the Peoples Temple. [18][c], Branham married Meda Marie Broy in 1941, and together they had three children; Rebekah (b. 1955). [24] Branham served as pastor from 1933 to 1946. Crowder suggested Branham's gradual separation from Gordon Lindsay played a major part in the decline. He left a lasting impact on televangelism and the modern Charismatic movement and is recognized as the "principal architect of restorationist thought" for Charismatics by some Christian historians. [13][4] Six months later, he was ordained as an Independent Baptist minister. [24] The church flourished at first, but its growth began to slow. Branham. [72] Branham believed the light was a divine vindication of his ministry;[79] others believed it was a glare from the venue's overhead lighting. [54] According to writer and researcher Patsy Sims, "the power of a Branham service and his stage presence remains a legend unparalleled in the history of the Charismatic movement. [174] Most believed he would have to return to fulfill a vision he had regarding future tent meetings. [160] The sermons focused on the Book of Revelation 6:1–17, and provided an interpretation of the meaning of each of the seals. [134], As Branham's ministry progressed, he increasingly condemned modern culture. [139] According to Weaver, "his pronouncements with respect to women were often contradictory" and he regularly offered glowing praise of women. His fame spread rapidly as crowds were drawn to his stories of angelic visitations and reports of miracles happening at his meetings. [1][2] At the time they were held, his inter-denominational meetings were the largest religious meetings ever held in some American cities. [54], Branham spent many hours ministering and praying for the sick during his campaigns, and like many other leading evangelists of the time he suffered exhaustion. [128] Branham's teaching on divine healing were within the mainstream of Pentecostal theology and echoed the doctrines taught by Smith Wigglesworth, Bosworth, and other prominent Pentecostal ministers of the prior generation. [41] Kidston was instrumental in helping organize Branham's early revival meetings. [151] The message included the description of a messenger to the Laodicean Church age, which Branham believed would immediately precede the rapture. [102] Branham has been called the "principal architect of restorationist thought" of the Charismatic movement that emerged out of the healing revival. [149] No other mainstream Christian group held a similar view; Branham was widely criticized for spreading the doctrine. [103] Several perspectives on the decline of the healing revival have been offered. Scene dalle Riunioni di Branham 69 14. 4 che [94], In 1955, Branham's campaigning career began to slow following financial setbacks. [98] Except Allen, who won his legal battle, the evangelists settled their cases out of court. : Total Results A. [100] The case was eventually settled out of court with the payment of a $40,000 penalty. [96] Branham became increasingly reliant on the Full Gospel Businessmen to finance his campaign meetings as the Pentecostal denominations began to withdraw their financial support. [160], Of all of Branham's doctrines, his teachings on Christian restorationism have had the most lasting impact on modern Christianity. [106] To draw the crowds he was seeking, Jones needed a religious headliner and invited Branham to share the platform with him at a self-organized religious convention held at the Cadle Tabernacle auditorium in Indianapolis from June 11 to 15, 1956. [59] As a result of the meeting, Lindsay rejoined Branham's campaigning team. [82], Branham's meetings were regularly attended by journalists,[83] who wrote articles about the miracles reported by Branham and his team throughout the years of his revivals, and claimed patients were cured of various ailments after attending prayer meetings with Branham. [134] Branham believed the term "predestination" was widely misunderstood and preferred to use the word "foreknowledge" to describe his views. [128], Annihilationism, the doctrine that the damned will be totally destroyed after the final judgment so as to not exist, was introduced to Pentecostalism in the teachings of Charles Fox Parham (1873–1929). Early History of the Branham family. [105] According to Collins, Jim Jones and Paul Schäfer were influenced to move to South America by Branham's 1961 prophecy concerning Armageddon, but ultimately concluded that Jones and Branham "did not see eye to eye", and that Jones rejected Branham as a dishonest person. [60] According to Bosworth, this gift of knowledge allowed Branham "to see and enable him to tell the many events of [people's] lives from their childhood down to the present". 1950), and Joseph (b. [79][59] The photograph became well-known in the revival movement and is regarded by Branham's followers as an iconic relic. [102] In 1955, he reported a vision of a renewed tent ministry and a "third pull which would be dramatically different" than his earlier career. [114][156] Branham did not directly claim to be the end-time messenger in either of his sermons. [4] His early ministry was an "impressive success"; he quickly attracted a small group of followers, who helped obtain a tent in which he could hold a revival. The message of God for his scattered people is announced by this last call: ′′ Therefore, come out of the midst of them, and separate yourself, says the Lord; touch not that which is unclean, and I will welcome you. [174] Weaver attributed the belief in Branham's imminent resurrection to Pearry Green, though Green denied it. 8. Watch Queue Queue Lo Scrittore Entra nella Storia di Branham 81 15. [144] While rejecting Branham's teachings, Duyzer offered a glowing review of Branham's followers, stating he "had never experienced friendship, or love like we did there". [54] His preaching style was described as "halting and simple", and crowds were drawn to his stories of angelic visitation and "constant communication with God". [4] He returned to Jeffersonville when his brother died in 1929. ALLA RICERCA DI SEGUACI: Ogni tanto mi arrivano scritti di seguaci di William Marrion Branham (1909-1965).Sul sito «Fede controcorrente» si possono leggere gli inviti di Francesco Manzo [ Branham, profeta maggiore ed Elia?] Spiacenti, non sei autorizzato a visualizzare questa risorsa. Branham thus became an influence on the Latter Rain revival movement, which Hawtin helped initiate. [132] Early in his ministry, Branham espoused a position closer to an orthodox Trinitarian view. The sermons closely aligned with the teachings of C. I. Scofield and Clarence Larkin, the leading proponents of dispensationalism in the preceding generation. [187][l] In 2000, the William Branham Evangelical Association had missions on every inhabited continent—with 1,600 associated churches in Latin America and growing missions across Africa. [164] Weaver wrote that Branham tended to embellish his predictions over time. [1] The belief is widely held in the modern Charismatic movement,[1] and the legacy of his restorationist teaching and ministering style is evident throughout televangelism and the Charismatic movement. William Branham, Prediche "Il Quarto Suggello" https://it.branham. [92] A 1952 campaign in South Africa had the largest attendance in Branham's career, with an estimated 200,000 attendees. [33] His healing services are well documented, and he is regarded as the pacesetter for those who followed him. S'il se tient debout, ou s'il tombe, cela regarde son maître. C'est un site qui aide les croyants du Message du Temps de la Fin à comprendre la Divinité de William Marrion Branham. Louis. [5] Branham also said that when he was seven years old, God told him to avoid smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages. [33][60] This second sign did not appear in his campaigns until after his recovery in 1948, and was used to "amaze tens of thousands" at his meetings. [120], Branham developed a unique theology and placed emphasis on a few key doctrines, including his eschatological views, annihilationism, oneness of the Godhead, predestination, eternal security, and the serpent's seed. [137] The rigid moral code associated with the holiness movement had been widely accepted by Pentecostals in the early twentieth century. [12] While recovering from the accident, he said he again heard a voice leading him to begin seeking God. We saw the need in local schools and organizations to start an apparel department to merge and partner with the reputable signage side of Branham Sign Company. [151] Branham described the characteristics of the Laodicean messenger by comparing his traits to Elijah and John the Baptist. [140] Branham openly chastised other evangelists, who seemed to be growing wealthy from their ministries and opposed the prosperity messages being taught. [144] His belief in a "seventh church age messenger" came from his interpretation of the Book of Revelation 3:14–22. 2. [128] This led him to conclude that individuals who failed to be healed lacked adequate faith. [69] A year later, W. J. Taylor, a district superintendent with the Pentecostal Assemblies of Canada, raised the same concern and asked for a thorough investigation. [35] Historians name his June 1946 St. Louis meetings as the inauguration of the healing revival period. [46][57] His illness shocked the growing movement,[58] and his abrupt departure from the field caused a rift between him and Lindsay over the Voice of Healing magazine.

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