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exode 13 17

Moïse dit alors à Josué: « Choisis des hommes, et va combattre les Amalécites. L'apprentissage de la liberté . OST 17 Quand Pharaon laissa partir le peuple, Dieu ne leur fit pas prendre la route du pays des Philistins, bien qu’elle fût la plus directe. Exode 17:8-16. Exode_Paranoia Colectiva_2010 4. Nuit. Afterward he will let you go from here. He tempts not above what we are able: but so orders the matter, that evils are not ready for us till we for them. The distance along this line was not more than about 200 miles, and might have been accomplished in a fortnight. 1. 11 The L ord said to Moses, “Yet s one plague more I will bring upon Pharaoh and upon Egypt. Lege-Cap-Ferret. The Chanaanites would also be ready to oppose the Hebrews, if they had attempted to enter by the road of Pelusium, and perhaps the Idumeans and Amalecites also would have met them in front, while the Egyptians attacked their rear. God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near, etc. de Exode 13.17 17 à 22 - De Succoth à Etham. Exode 17:13. Annonces publicitaires. This is the only reason mentioned for not leading them this way; but there were other secret reasons for it, which afterwards opened in Providence, as the doing that wonderful work for them, leading them through the Red sea as on dry land, and the destruction of Pharaoh and his host in it; and by being brought into a wilderness, a solitude, they would be in the fittest place to receive and attend to the body of laws given them, and where they were formed into a commonwealth and church state, previous to their entrance into, and possession of, the land of Canaan; and here also they were humbled, tried and proved, and had such instances of the power and goodness of God to them, as were sufficient to attach them to his service, and lay them under the greatest obligation to him, as well as would be of use to strengthen their faith and hope in him in future times of difficulty and distress. Besides, the Israelites were in all probability unarmed, and totally unequipped for battle, encumbered with their flocks, and certain culinary utensils. 14:3 it-2 592. - Had the Israelites been obliged to commence their journey to the promised land by a military campaign, there is little room to doubt that they would have been discouraged, have rebelled against Moses and Aaron, and have returned back to Egypt. Leçon du jour. Tout premier-né des hommes et des animaux doit être consacré à l’Éternel. The direct road to Canaan lay through the land of the Philistines. Stream Valerick @ INDUSTRIAL OVERLOAD #13.11.17 by Exode Records from desktop or your mobile device See Exodus 14:3-4. Exode 13 : 1-22— Lisez la Bible en ligne ou téléchargez-la gratuitement. » Dieu fit donc faire au peuple un détour par le désert de la mer des Roseaux. See Exodus 9:15-16. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.” 18 So God led the people around by the desert road toward the Red Sea[] The Israelites went up out of Egypt ready for battle When Pharaoh let the people go, God did not lead them on the road through the Philistine country, though that was shorter. See especially Exodus 13:17-18 and Exodus 14:1-4,15-18,31 (printed below) Now when Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was a shorter route; for God said, When the people face war, they may change their minds and return to Egypt. Exode 13 11 Et il arrivera, quand l’Éternel t’aura fait entrer dans le pays du Cananéen, comme il l’a juré à toi et à tes pères, et qu’il te l’aura donné, 12 que tu consacreras à l’Éternel tout ce qui ouvre le sein maternel, et tout premier-né des bêtes qui t’appartiendront : les mâles seront à l’Éternel. Adapté par Moshé Wisnefsky. Première lecture: Exode 13,17–14,8. The shortest and most direct route from Egypt to Palestine was the usual caravan road that leads by Belbeis, El-Arish, to Ascalon and Gaza. TU NE TUERAS PAS", EXODE XX: 13, DEUTERONOME V: 17 - ANNEE QUARANTE-QUATRE: R160015774: 1975. Exode 13:17 Lorsque Pharaon laissa aller le peuple, Dieu ne le conduisit point par le chemin du pays des Philistins, quoique le plus proche ; car Dieu dit: Le peuple pourrait se repentir en voyant la guerre, et retourner en Égypte. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica. (Worthington) --- The Philistines had before made a great slaughter of the Ephraimites, 1 Paralipomenon vii. X. BDS . And therefore the Red Sea was to be made a port of safety to Israel, and the grave of Egypt. Etat d'usage, Couv. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. Palestine derives its name from them, and would not have obtained the name unless they had been a very remarkable race. (Calmet) --- This journey, Philo says, would not have taken up above three days. 13 Jéhovah continua de parler à Moïse.Il lui dit : 2 « Sanctifie* pour moi tous les premiers-nés* des Israélites : le premier fils d’un Israélite et le premier-né mâle d’un animal m’appartiennent+. LA BIBLE SAINTELouis Segond 1910. 1) God zei: "Dat het niet" enz. Ce que font Aaron et Hur peut représenter ce que nous pouvons faire pour remporter la victoire dans notre conflit avec Satan. I admit, indeed, that God might have otherwise obviated all these evils; but since He is often wont to deal with His people on human principles, He chose to adopt the method which was most suited to their infirmity. Neither was this all. Exodus 13:17 And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not [through] the way of the land of the Philistines, although that [was] near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt: Ver. Suivant » Lundi: Relever les défis spirituels. La fête des pains sans levain doit être célébrée dans le pays de Canaan. That was near; there being this way but a few days’ journey between Egypt and Canaan. Although that was near.—Rather, because that was near. Melissa Slr. 14:11, 12; [Neh. Contenu associé précédent suivant. When, therefore, they were powerless in the use of arms, and were altogether without experience of military tactics, with what courage would they have engaged with an enemy, if any should have advanced against them within a few days of their coming out? Journey from Egypt. The battle with Amalec took place only 40 days afterwards, and God protected his people. HANDS UP! ), route planning, ... 17° Thursday. ... 17. Exode 17:13 LSG. Dieu s’était dit : « Il ne faudrait pas qu’à la perspective des combats, le peuple revienne sur sa décision et retourne en Égypte. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.”. Exode chapitre 13 | Audio | -A A A + Chapitre 13 . LSG 17 Lorsque Pharaon laissa aller le peuple, Dieu ne le conduisit point par le chemin du pays des Philistins, quoique le plus proche ; car Dieu dit: Le peuple pourrait se repentir en voyant la guerre, et retourner en Égypte. Agenda. 2 - Amalek. The Egyptians mention by name very few of the nations of Syria, and the few names which they put on record can seldom be identified. Exode 13.17 Or Pharaon ayant fait sortir de ses terres le peuple d’Israël , Dieu ne les conduisit point par le chemin du pays des Philistins qui est voisin, de peur qu’ils ne vinssent à se repentir d’être ainsi sortis, s’ils voyaient s’élever des guerres contre eux, et qu’ils ne retournassent en Égypte. BDS: Exode 17 IF:Gathering featuring Jennie Allen will feature the 12 Verse Challenge, which is an initiative that invites participants to be part of the illumi Nations story by sponsoring the translation of 12 verses of Scripture at $35 per month for at least 12 months. The Life of Moses Sermon 17 Bible Studies in Numbers-Chapter 1 Num. Bible > Ancien Testament > Exode, Lévitique, Nombres, Deutéronome, Josué : de l'oppression du peuple d'Israël en Égypte à son établissement au pays de Canaan > le livre de l'Exode : histoire de Moïse et d'Aaron > Exode (2ième part.) Session d'entrevue des finalistes à Radio lumière (Émission"chanté lakay") ce vendredi 15/01/2021 avec l'animateur Wilinx Jeune # 17janvier2021 # Jeremie # CastingFinal # chanson # exodeIn3D +10. Egypt was to be destroyed. 13:13 it-1 120. Jan Hersman "HOLLÄNDER" Jan Hersman. martin eilander. See Deuteronomy 8:2; Exodus 3:12. 14:13 w13 1/2 4. Lorsque le pharaon laissa partir le peuple, Dieu ne le conduisit pas par le chemin du pays des Philistins, qui était pourtant le plus proche ; car Dieu disait : Le peuple pourrait avoir du regret en voyant la guerre et retourner en Egypte. 13:16 it-1 355-356. πέμπτη δὲ γενεὰ ἀνέβησαν οἱ υἱοὶ Ισραηλ ἐκ γῆς Αἰγύπτου. SG21 . L'Éternel parla à Moïse, et dit: 2 Consacre-moi tout premier-né, tout premier-né parmi les enfants d'Israël, tant des hommes que des animaux: il m'appartient. J. Orr . Assuredly they would not have borne up against a single assault, but would have been willing rather to submit themselves to the Egyptians, with humble supplications for forgiveness. God did not, because it was near, lead them that way, but another. But though this which is here mentioned was one, yet it was not the only reason of his counsel, but there were other causes of it; the Egyptians were to be drowned in the sea, the Israelites to be further tried, Deuteronomy 8:2 and full measure to be allowed to the iniquity of the Amorites. (17) God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines.—In Exodus 13:17-19 the writer interposes some parenthetic remarks, which are not a continuation of the narrative interrupted (Exodus 12:42), but rather reflections that occur to him. Ajouter un signet. Passage de la mer des Roseaux (Exode 13,17-14,31), play Lorsque le pharaon laissa partir le peuple Dieu ne le conduisit pas par le chemin qui passait par le pays des Philistins même si c'était le plus direct Dieu se dit en effet Le peuple pourrait éprouver des regrets en … Read Exode 13:17 in OST and NIV using our online parallel Bible. Verset Lorsque Pharaon laissa aller le peuple, Dieu ne le conduisit point par le chemin du pays des Philistins, quoique le plus proche; car Dieu dit: Le peuple pourrait se repentir en voyant la guerre, et retourner en Égypte.- Français Bible Louis Segond - fls Proud member 5 - Satan — écrasé sous nos pieds. dimanche 20 octobre 2013 - Lecture du livre de l’Exode (17, 8-13) - Le peuple d’Israël marchait à travers le désert. 1 L'Éternel parla à Moïse en ces termes: ב קַדֶּשׁ-לִי כָל-בְּכוֹר פֶּטֶר כָּל-רֶחֶם, בִּבְנֵי יִשְׂרָאֵל--בָּאָדָם, וּבַבְּהֵמָה: לִי, הוּא. The Lord therefore caused the people to go a long circuitous way. Though the Hebrew particle pen doth not always imply doubting, but ofttimes only signifies lest, as Genesis 3:3 38:23 Numbers 20:18. God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near, etc. Que Moïse prit-il, et pourquoi ? Imprimer. The reader is requested to bear this in mind, as it will serve to elucidate several circumstances in the ensuing history. Table des matières : 1 - Le combat contre Amalek. Then it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God did not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, "Lest perhaps the people … Traduction du monde nouveau » est éditée par les Témoins de Jéhovah. Gave them leave to depart out of Egypt, and even urged them to be gone in haste upon the death of his firstborn: that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; the land of the Philistines was the Pentapolis, or five cities of Gaza, Ashkelon, Ashdod, Ekron, and Gath, which lay between Egypt and Canaan; and their way through it to Canaan, out of Egypt, was the nearest they could go; and was, as Aben Ezra says, about ten days' journey; but Philo the Jew saysF12De Vita Mosis, l. 1. p. 627. it was but three days' journey; and it seems, by the sons of Jacob going to and fro for corn, that it was no very long journey: for God said: within himself, or he declared the following reason of so doing to Moses: lest peradventure the people repent: which is said not as ignorant or doubtful, but, as Aben Ezra says, after the manner of men: when they see war: the Philistines coming out against them to hinder their passage through their country; they being a warlike people, bold and courageous, and the Israelites, through their long servitude, of a mean, timorous, and cowardly disposition; and indeed as yet unarmed, and so very unfit to engage in war, and therefore would at once be intimidated: and they return to Egypt; judging it more eligible to continue in their former bondage, than to fall a prey into the hands of such fierce and cruel enemies. Even leaving aside this identification—which is very uncertain—we must view them as one of the most important of the tribes inhabiting the lower Syrian region. Lis Exode 17:12-13 en y cherchant ce que font Aaron et Hur pour s’assurer que les mains de Moïse restent levées. Les Amalécites survinrent et l’attaquèrent à Rephidim. 14:9 it-1 179, 536-537. 13:17-18; I Cor. All rights reserved. 107:7] not lead them by way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near. Signets. Exode 13. Lancement officiel de la chaine EMCI TV ( le 17 décembre. 8 Et Amalek vint ... 13 Alors Josué brisa la puissance d'Amalek et de son peuple par le tranchant de l'épée. » 1 ou : un. Moses here assigns the reason why God did not immediately lead His people by the more direct way into the land of Canaan, which would have been just as easy to Him, but preferred to bring them round through the desert, by a long and difficult and dangerous journey; viz., lest, if perhaps they had met with enemies to contend against, a ready means of return would have encouraged them to go back into Egypt. Adam Winstanley. Passage de la mer des Roseaux - Lorsque le pharaon laissa partir le peuple, Dieu ne le conduisit pas par le chemin qui passait par le pays des Philistins, même si c’était le plus direct. For God said, “If they face war, they might change their minds and return to Egypt.”, NIV 17 Exode_Darkness Dance_2008 8. When they see war.—If the Philistines are to be regarded as identical with the “Purusata” of the Egyptian remains, they must be viewed as one of the most warlike people of the time. Exode_Robocore_2009 7. Exode 12 Contexte Chapitre entier Comparer Exode 14 . Plaidt/Rotterdam . Exode 17:13 Interlinéaire • Exode 17:13 Multilingue • Éxodo 17:13 Espagnol • Exode 17:13 Français • 2 Mose 17:13 Allemand • Exode 17:13 Chinois • Exodus 17:13 Anglais • Bible Apps • Bible Hub Version Louis Segond 1910 La Bible David Martin 1744 Darby Bible courtesy of 14:15 it-2 310. Traduction du monde nouveau (édition d’étude) Aucune vidéo n'est disponible pour cette sélection. א וַיְדַבֵּר יְהוָה, אֶל-מֹשֶׁה לֵּאמֹר. When they see war; which they were likely to do, because the war would probably be long and hot, and their bodies were much weakened, and their spirits and courage broken, by a tedious and grievous bondage; and therefore it was fit that before they were called to such sharp conflicts, they should be hardened by the labours of a long and troublesome journey, and their faith should be strengthened by further experience of God’s power, and faithfulness, and goodness, and by the glorious appearance of God at Mount Sinai, and those commands, promises, and encouragements there given them. Lisez 14 : 5-9. La colonne de feu la nuit pour les guider mais aussi les protéger du froid du désert, et la nuée pour les protéger de la chaleur le jour et les guider. He carefully chose their way out of Egypt; not the nearer, but the safer. Fuck The Matrice LP by Exode, released 21 June 2020 1. LSG: Bible Segond 1910 . Change Language {{#items}} {{local_title}} — The shortest and most direct route from Egypt to Palestine was the usual caravan road that leads by Belbeis, El-Arish, to Ascalon and Gaza. Christian Briem. 14 Et l'Éternel dit à Moïse : « Écris ceci pour mémorial dans le 1 livre et fais entendre à Josué que 2 j'effacerai entièrement la mémoire d'Amalek de dessous les cieux. Cancel. Moïse prit donc les restes de Joseph au moment où le peuple sortit d’Égypte. 17 Lorsque Pharaon laissa aller le peuple, Dieu ne le conduisit point par le chemin du pays des Philistins, quoique le plus proche; car Dieu dit: Le peuple pourrait se repentir en voyant la guerre, et retourner en Egypte. 16° Friday. Salem Media Group. Exode 13:17 Or, quand Pharaon eut laissé aller le peuple, Dieu ne les conduisit point par le chemin du pays des Philistins, qui est le plus proche; car Dieu dit: Il est à craindre que le peuple ne se repente, quand il verra la guerre, et qu'il ne retourne en ... Read verse in Ostervald (French) Passage de la mer des Roseaux - Lorsque le pharaon laissa partir le peuple, Dieu ne le conduisit pas par le chemin qui passait par le pays des Philistins, même si c’était le plus direct. Notes de bas de page. God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, etc. Read Exodus 17:8-13. Their faith was to be exercised and strengthened, and from the commencement of their travels we observe the same careful proportion of burdens and trials to their character and state, as the gracious Lord shows to His people still in that spiritual journey of which the former was typical. which they were obliged to carry with them in the wilderness to provide them with bread, etc. Vaderlijk handelende wordt God daarom ten opzichte van Israël voorgesteld.. Now when Pharaoh had let the people go, God did not lead them by the way of the land of the Philistines, even though it was near; for God said, "The people might change their minds when they see war, and return to Egypt. 14:2; [Deut. 14:7 it-1 66-67, 179. Hide Footnotes. Exode_One Solution_2008 6. He anticipates an inquiry, Why did they not pursue this route? Victoire sur Amalek à Rephidim . 10:5-6 THE CHURCH IN THE WILDERNESS The land of Canaan was a two weeks’ journey from Egypt, 150 miles up the coastal King’s Highway, where armies and merchant traders had traveled for hundreds of years. Lest, then, any desire of return should steal over their hearts, God was willing to set up a barrier behind them in the difficulty of the journey. Exodus 13:17-21: Fire and Cloud: H.T. Exode_Silence Radio_2009 9. Their long slavery had so degraded their minds that they were incapable of any great or noble exertions; and it is only on the ground of this mental degradation, the infallible consequence of slavery, that we can account for their many dastardly acts, murmurings, and repinings after their escape from Egypt. Exode 20,1-17, play Les dix commandements Alors Dieu prononça toutes ces paroles Je suis l'Eternel ton Dieu qui t'ai fait sortir d'Egypte de la maison d'esclavage Tu n'auras pas d'autres dieux devant moi Tu ne te feras pas de sculpture sacrée ni de représentation de ce qui est en haut dans le Exode 13, 17-22. NIV 17 2 Et le peuple contesta avec Moïse, et ils dirent : Donnez-nous de l’eau pour que nous buvions. That God led them not.] La « Bible en miniature », une expo en pâte à modeler. Nous avons laissé, la semaine dernière le peuple hébreu après la dernière plaie d’Egypte qui a condamné les premiers nés du peuple du Nil et le début de l’exode., la suite… Les meilleurs chansons et chanteurs chrétiens de l’année ? Similar Items "Priesterliches" und "prophetisches" Geschichtsverständnis in der Meerwundererzählung Ex 13,17-14,31: Beobachtungen zur Endreaktion des Pentateuch by: Schmitt, Hans-Christoph 1941-2020 Published: (1979) ; Erwägungen zur Redaktion der Meerwundererzählung (Exodus 13,17–14,31) by: Krüger, Thomas Published: (1996) Et le peuple contesta avec Moïse, et ils dirent: Donnez-nous de l’eau pour que nous buvions. ΕΞΟΔΟΣ 13: exode 13: 1. Exode 14 :13-14 . Exode_In Condition_2010 3. Exode 13; La Bible. Thème. The reply is, that such was not the will of God; and the reason why it was not His will is further given—“The people would probably have repented when they saw war, and would have returned to Egypt.” It is implied that the Philistines were already a strong and warlike people, which they may well have been, though not mentioned in the contemporary Egyptian monuments. La quatrième section du livre de l’Exode commence au moment où Pharaon « renvoya » (Bechala’h, en hébreu) les Juifs d’Égypte.

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