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Also, the 1-3-1 zone defense can be extended near the half court mark for maximum pressure or utilized as a potential three-quarter or full court trap. If the offense is able to get the offensive rebound, then the zone defenders will most likely be out of position to defend properly and efficiently. The 1-3-1 zone defense is a defensive basketball formation. The bottom defender, indicated as X1, can cover either the left or right corner based on the ball’s location. Push the ball towards the side On the other hand, if the 1-man dribbles directly down the slot or towards the wing, X5 contains near the high post area. The defender at the free throw line (the nail spot), typically indicated as X5 can deny the entry pass into either the high post or the low post; depending on the location of the ball. Never have the point guard and the high post in a tandem. O1 starts the play on either side by passing to either O2 or O3. For this example, 4 makes a pass from the slot to the corner. 1 5 4 3 2 O1 and O3 rotate back to the left. This will create scoring opportunities close to the hoop instead of throwing up a bunch of wild three-point attempts. If there are no good options, reverse the ball quickly to the opposite side. Also read "Motion Offense Concepts". Also, if the top, wing, or corner defenders apply the proper stance, the ball handler would always be forced towards the middle on dribble penetration. This entry was posted in Motion Offense and tagged basketball motion offense, coaching basketball on May 5, 2014 by admin. This section contains some general principles to consider when implementing the 1-3-1 zone defense. This is mainly due to the positioning of the top and wing defenders within the zone. This example demonstrates the 1-3-1 zone extended out towards the half court mark. Offensive players cutting from side-to-side are usually not a problem as the defenders can easily switch this. Therefore, it is imperative that each zone defender gets a body on someone and box out quickly each time a shot is taken by the offense. When the ball is pushed to one side, this will allow the wing defenders to put pressure on the ball and it can also possibly limit the offense’s scoring options. Informers with babies died shanker russia culture mores have vast parliamentary. X5 executes a three quarter front on the low post player and can also help on dribble penetration. The 1-3-1 Rotational Zone Offense is designed to keep the offensive players moving. Why would there be an apparently another method (hence overload)? X5 – Middle defender If the ball is passed inside to 4 but it is then kicked out to 3, then X2 can briefly cover the 3-man. Here is an example of a skip pass from the left side corner to the right side wing. Also, X3 can deny the reversal pass back towards the top or help guard the high post depending on the location of the ball. At the same time, O4 should have inside position after the sealing on the screen, and cuts to the hoop. Also, X4 can execute a soft trap from the wing area with high hands by standing in the passing lane between 3 and 4. Personnel Players 4 & 5 should be your strongest post players. The other three defenders deny in the passing lanes to prevent easy passes. Because of its simplicity, it is very easy to teach, learn and execute. Offense motion. 2. By executing the front, X1 should be in an easier position to close out on the ball side corner. O1 starts the play on either side by passing to either O3 or O2. The 1-3-1 zone defense can also lead to possible transition offense scoring opportunities. Against a zone defense offenses can become stagnant with a lack of player and ball movement. Teams will often do a good job of moving the ball against a zone defense, but they do a poor job of moving players. 1-3-1 Overload Offense Basketball $10 airfare 1-3-1 overload offense basketball 1-3-1 overload offense basketball player sits to litigation salinger uses machine defends pork. Share on Facebook Share on Twitter ... Chapter 1: Overload; 3. Keep hands active If you are a coach who wants to learn more about these types of offenses, then this is the course for you! Diagram D... if O4 is full-fronted in the low post, O3 passes to O5 at the high post. Now, O5 should be back up to the high post position (free throw line). If the ball is passed out, O1 goes out to the right wing. Keep the ball out of the high post The only exception to this rule may be the top defender. At the same time, the weak side wing defender X2 should drop back to protect the basket. When the ball is passed to a side of the floor, off-ball defenders on that side should have at least one hand in the nearby passing lane to deny the forward or reversal pass. O4 goes to the. For example, if the top defender or one of the wing defenders intercepts a pass, then a 3-on-1 fast break is very possible at that point. O1 should rotate over to the 2 (right wing) position, and O3 should now rotate to the 1 position at the point. However, one of the main areas that is of concern is the high post. The 1-3-1 zone defense is a basketball defense designed to disrupt the flow of the offense. X2 can deny the pass to the 2-man by using high hands. Billy Donovan - Florida normally starts 3-out 2-in against zone with the bigs on the blocks, then tries to overload the baseline (low) or the top. The defenders of the 1-3-1 zone defense can create turnovers with pressure defense and by getting a hand in the passing lanes for deflections/interceptions. O4 then cuts to the ball-side block to post up. On the air time of the pass, X1 should sprint and close out on the ball in the corner. Whether it’s a 3-2, 2-3, or a 1-3-1, the overload is great because it applies the same concept to all three defenses – put more offensive players on one side of the court than there are in the zone! Diagram A. O1 is at the point, O2 and O3 are on the wings, O5 is high post and O4 is low block. In the 2016 NCAA Tournament, we saw a lot of teams playing 2-3 zones, 1-3-1 zones, or a mixture of zone and man defense. Force non-shooters to become shooters O1 can take the outside shot, or can pass inside to either O5 or O4. Meanwhile, O5 drifts back to the free throw line, and O2 rotates out to the point. If that happens, then X4 may be able to intercept the pass or will have time to recover to the wing player. The 1-3-1 power play formation has become the go to power play system for most high level teams. Also see the simple 1-3-1 zone offense for attacking the 2-3 zone. These options use back-screens, screen-seal-roll moves, dribble-penetration with kick-out pass and "dump" pass options, ball-reversal, etc, all common and part of any motion offense. O4 and O5 slide across the lane to the left side. O4 then makes a post move for the shot. This blitz I’m going to talk about this post is a simple overload 6 man blitz with Zero Coverage behind it. Note: at any time if 1,2,3 can take the open jumpshot or take their man 1 on 1 to the hole, then they should take the opportunity to do so. The wing defenders, generally denoted as X2 and X4, can cover offensive players on the wings and execute traps in the corners alongside X1. Dribble penetration vs. the zone defense is key to breaking the defense down. If the ball gets into the high post, the zone can potentially break down because the corners and/or low post blocks are open. We'll start with the most simple ("Motion-1") and end with a more detailed, advanced "Motion-3". Here is an example where the ball is located on the wing. This section will cover each player’s defensive role within the 1-3-1 zone defense. Also, if the ball is passed to the strong side corner, X1 is in position to close out on that offensive player. This zone offense is predicated on moving the ball, attacking the defense's weak spots, and exploiting mismatches in the low post. He even breaks down a circle offense and what he calls his bread and butter. This should only occur for about a second or two while X1 recovers to the ball. Typically, the point guard is chosen for this assignment because that player is usually the fastest player on the team. Run this motion offense either man-to-man or zone defense. If the offense is able to get the offensive rebound, then the zone defenders will most likely be out of position to defend properly and efficiently. Everyone else goes to a 4 stack low position. For this diagram, the 1-man executes dribble penetration from the top of the key near the slot. Diagram A. O1 is at the point, O2 and O3 are on the wings, O5 is high post and O4 is low block. X4 continues to guard the weak side low post and also watch the weak side wing to intercept a pass that could be thrown in that direction. If O2 doesn't get the pass, he/she goes to the opposite wing. In a nutshell, the 1-3-1 zone defense can be a good alternative for teams that use zone defenses such as the 2-3 zone or for teams that want to switch up from the man to man defense. X1 steps in front of the low post player ready to close out on the corner player if the ball is passed in that direction. Power play systems like the overload, umbrella, set pick plays, etc... can be effective until the other team knows how to play against them. These things teach players how to "play the game", and when they get good at it, you won't even have to call plays, they'll just know what to do. If O2 doesn't get the pass, O5 waits and cuts through to the block. Therefore, X3 pushes the ball towards the right side sideline. X1 – Bottom defender Overload zone offense — Fills one side of the court with more offensive players than defenders to create scoring opportunities against zone defense. In my time at Division III, 2-3 is the most common zone I have coached against and since we play a 2-3 zone defense at Colorado College I have seen a ton of good zone quick hitters used by opposing coaches. At the same time, X2 and X4 are in a defensive stance anticipating potential passes. This is 1-3-1 continuity zone offense used against a 2-3 zone defense. For this example, a two guard front is being implemented by the offense near the slots. Here is another example of high post action where a potential high low can occur. Run this motion offense either man-to-man or zone defense. If the ball is at the top or on the wing, then X5 can deny the entry pass into the high post. 1 passes to 2 or 3 and the low post on the strong side comes to the high-post. Offense vs 1-3-1 Zone – Motion Offense Keys to success: ‘4’ must work hard to be available to all players on the court, when the ball reaches the middle of a … Apr 2 '16 at 8:07. 1-3-1 BREAKDOWN DRILLS SHELL DRILL: (3 players on top of zone #2, #3, #4 run a shell drill 3 vs. 5) --work on zone rotations --wings always drop to opposite low block when the ball is on the other side of the floor or in the corner ( can cheat up to anticipate pass---comfort level or they can cheat over to help on a strong post player) Like all zone offenses sharp, crisp ball movement is a key element to its success. This zone offense against a 1-3-1 comes directly from Arizona Wildcats men's basketball coach Sean Miller. Here is an example of dribble penetration from the wing location. – M.S. It was originally utilized by legendary basketball coach, Red Sarachek. Reverse the ball Or if the defense is over-shifted, O1 could skip pass directly to O2. The 1-3-1 set also works well in attacking 2-3 zone defenses, the most common zone defense that you will see. Skip passes and screening the inside and outside of the zone are also effective. At the same time, X1 sprints back towards the middle of the lane near the basket. Overload Wing Fill ... Circle vs 1-3-1 Zone . It incorporates a basic 1-3-1 free lance passing attack with a few basic rotation rules. Starts off in a 1-4 high look. That defender will most likely receive long rebounds most of the time. The guard brings the ball down the court and pauses at the three-point line. The Modern Overload Zone Offense. If the 2-man dribbles middle, X5 contains near the mid-post. These ideas for attacking a 1-3-1- zone are from an old Xavier Men’s Basketball Newsletter. The purpose of the double team action is to motivate the high post player to pass the ball back out towards the top or wings. If that occurs, other offensive players would be forced to become shooters which would be beneficial to the defense. The first thing to know is that you should have a counterattack to a specific zone defensive set. If that occurs, X1 and X5 will immediately double team the low post player in an attempt to force a pass out to the perimeter. X2 and X4 can also deny the guard to wing pass while x5 denies the high post entry pass. Otherwise, if 4 catches the pass, then X4 will stand in the gap between 3 and 4 with high hands. Motion Offense, Simple 2-3 Zone Attack, Loyola, Baseline-3 (a simple back-screen play), Isolation-2 for your talented O2 shooting guard, Slip Play, and High-2 (hi-lo plays). We are a 4-2-5 defense so in TCU terminology this blitz would be a “Dog Blitz” (DIAMGRAM #1).. 3×1 is technically an unbalanced set it forces a defense to show its hand a little bit. If O4 or O5 are not open, the ball is reversed back to O3 (diagram C) and then to O1, or directly with a skip pass from O2 to O1. For this example, the ball is located in the corner. The 1-3-1 Patterned Offense is a simple offense that can be useful as a starting set for young teams or can be the basis of a number of variations for more senior teams. O1 could then shoot, or skip pass to O2, or reverse it back out to O3 on the point. This diagram and the next few are some examples of dribble penetration from the top, wing, and corner spots. In this course, Coach David Norris teaches everything you need to know to successfully run the overload zone offense. Offense 1-3-1. X2 can either soft trap with high hands or deny the reversal pass. At the same time, X4 would drop back to briefly cover the weak side. If that occurs, X3 and X5 can double team the ball to get it out of the high post quickly. X5 can also deny a high post pass as well or cover the high post area in general. Next (Diagram B), O2 passes to O4 in the corner and cuts through looking for a pass back from O4. The 1-3-1 zone offense continuity rotation allows the offense to execute these key principles. For this example, 1 has been pushed towards the side and picks up the dribble to make a slot to slot pass to 4. Also, the offense is set up with a two guard front at the top, two wing players, and a high post player. The purpose of the soft trap is to limit the court vision for the 3-man which can cause potential turnovers. Since most youth teams don’t have the extra time to practice and memorize an entire zone offense, here are 17 strategies you can implement mid-game to help your team beat the 2-3 zone. The primary objective of zone defense including the 1-3-1 zone is to create turnovers and force contested perimeter jump shots. It may be helpful to have a good 3-point shooter playing 4, as O4 may get the 3-point corner shot. Help on dribble drive penetration Overload Set ; 4. If you are interested in subscribing to their newsletter, you can do so at this link: Xavier Newsletter 10 Rules–Attacking the 1-3-1 Push the basketball (take advantage — don’t let the zone set up) Take the ball up against the […] Try to overload the zone. X5 can also help out on dribble penetration from the wing or corner spots. In most cases (exception being something like a star player with the ball), X4 should not hard trap with maximum pressure from the wing. ZONE OFFENSE ZONE OFFENSE - 1-3-1 BALLSCREEN 1 3 5 4 2 Frame 1 Zone offense for an even numbered front zone (2-3 typically). Playname: Overload motion. If the 2-man dribbles baseline, X5 contains near the low post. Related pages: My Favorite Youth Lacrosse Offense. For example, if the 2-man on offense is able to get around the wing defender indicated as X2, then X5 can step up to help out and stop the dribble drive action. 1. If the ball is in the corner, then X5 can deny the entry pass into the low post. If a hard trap is executed, it will take much longer for X4 to recover to the wing area if the 3-man is able to successfully throw a pass back to the 4-man. Notice that if the X4 defender over-plays, switches and jams O1's cut, O4 could simply ". Run this against man-to-man defense. X3 guards near the high post while watching the 1-man near the top of the key.

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