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Dan -This is what you are getting paid the big bucks for.... teaching kids how to play a game / have some fun doing it / and as Jeff put it, some LIFE LESSONS along the way.As for low effort.... kids love to compete.... so make your drills competitive and the losers can give you 3-5 pushups. Zone defense is ef… I am now would like to seek more information/ tips to administrate the big sporting event. I have also experimented with a defense called ameoba, which my players set up in a 1-3-1 zone and wherever the ball crosses the half court decides what defense we jump into. Here is an effective quick hitter you can run against a zone defense. plus three free eBooks with over 270 pages of our favorite basketball drills and plays! Overload - Very simple zone play that is effective against all zone defenses. Incorporate skip passes, post feeds, and pump fake passes. The main objective of the 4-1 zone defense is to influence the offense to pass the basketball to the corners where the defense is able to set traps and create turnovers. See More. 1-3-1 Zone Press - Extending Pressure. The consequence for not guarding your man, but a specific area would be a technical foul. I'm assistant couch of middle school b ball team. Changing defenses often is very effective with young teams... even as high as 9th graders because it confuses the offense. It … Lots of ways to go about things but it needs to be practiced to be effective.With that said, I''m not a fan of changing defenses frequently with 6th graders. Ok, I will relate this to a varsity game where they would have a big kid like that.I would dead front him and have a lot of back side help. The zone requires good passing and few players possess the passing skills needed to effectively beat a zone. And you learn life lessons both by succeeding and failing. It has the advantage of protecting the inside, lane area, and keeps your "bigs" inside. The Zone Offenses playbook is packed with 11 game-tested plays to help you break down ANY type of zone and get high percentage scoring opportunities.. The 3-2 zone should not be used if the team you are playing has a strong post presence or if they are beating you at the high post. I believe youth basketball leagues should limit the use of zones to the older age groups. A personal foul results in either player taking free throws or a team surrendering possession.HOLDING: When personal contact is made with an opponent which restricts their movement.ILLEGAL GUARDING: Where a defending player makes contact with an opponent from behind.BLOCKING: Any sort of contact between two players where an opponent''s movements are impeded.PUSHING: Called when a player moves or attempts to move an opponent with force, even if they do not have control of the ball.ILLEGAL SCREENING: An attempt to slow down or stop an opponent who does not have control of the ball.HAND CHECKING: When a defending player uses their hands on an opponent to slow their progress.CHARGING: When a player, with or without the ball, pushes or moves into an opponent.ILLEGAL USE OF HANDS: When contact is made by a player''s hand on an opponent when they are attempting to play the ball.Fouls in basketball not covered by the personal category are as follows:TECHNICAL: Covers such things as bad language and other unsportsmanlike conduct.DISQUALIFYING: Called if a player commits a serious foul, such as striking an opponent. I know some coaches (like me) that never change defenses, some will change a couple times during the game based on flow/situations, and others that will change defenses continually. Four times one is equal to? … The two top defenders (typically indicated by X1 and X2) cover the top of the key and high posts. They will be dismissed immediately from the game.FIFTH FOUL: If a player commits five fouls, either personal or technical, they must leave the game and cannot return. Reasons to Play Zone - Advantages of a Zone Defense. In addition, a middle defender is positioned in the middle of the lane in front of the basket parallel to the mid-line.,,, If you'd like to dig deeper and get more information about developing an effective. The zone defenders will initially line up in a box where two defenders will be located on the high post elbows and the other two defenders in the form of a box. They can be replaced by a substitute.TEAM FOUL: Each personal foul committed by a player is also counted against his team; when a team goes over the limit, its opponent is awarded a free-throw.In America''s NBA, the limit is five fouls - personal or technical - in any one period, after which the opposing team get two free throws.VIOLATION: Covers such things as an illegal dribble or spending more than three seconds in the restricted area. Run a set play against a zone defense to get an easy scoring opportunity or to target a specific defensive weakness. You might scale back a bit until they are doing things they can be successful at.I coached varsity ball for a long time... had some really good team and a few really bad ones.... all you can do is try to make them better at the things they don't do well. This is what you are getting paid the big bucks for.... teaching kids how to play a game / have some fun doing it / and as Jeff put it, some LIFE LESSONS along the way.As for low effort.... kids love to compete.... so make your drills competitive and the losers can give you 3-5 pushups. The junk defense example in the adjacent diagram is known as a Box and one defense. Receive 72 drills, 32 plays & 7 shooting workouts! Some coaches will play zone after the miss baskets and play man after made baskets. Where in a man to man, you (in theory) always know who is supposed to be guarding the ball. Simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive: 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips - 136 page eBook, 21 Basketball Tips & Tricks for Players - 20 page eBook, 32 Winning Basketball Plays - 96 page eBook, Over 200,000 players, coaches and parents subscribed. Pass to the open player. I'm just wondering what is typical / sensible number of changes in a game. Continuity Zone Offense - Rotation Daniel Murphy 08/24/2015. It can try your patience, no doubt about it.But think about it.... as a young kid, how good were you at certain things? It features one perimeter defender guarding the offensive team’s best player and four zone defenders. General pointers in attacking any zone defense. There is always some interpretation up to the players. © Copyright 2021 Breakthrough Basketball, LLC. The 2-3 zone defense is by far the most common zone in basketball and is more than likely the specific formation that will come to a coaches mind when they hear the term ‘zone’ relating to basketball. The 2-1-2 defense makes it difficult for the other team to score in the paint and around the key. Lots of ways to go about things but it needs to be practiced to be effective.With that said, I'm not a fan of changing defenses frequently with 6th graders. Share on Facebook Tweet This Share on Linkedin Share via Email Print. Thank you. Here are the 4 main reasons why zone defense is terrible for youth basketball. Bill -That's one big boy!! IF you do, they will follow you.Like. From a winning standpoint all of those methods can be very effective. Great overload set that can be run at all levels of basketball against 2-3 zone defense. Maybe things are too difficult for them right now? Passing is a lost art. If an offensive player enters the defensive player's assigned zone, he must guard against him.. Van Gundy - Outlawing Youth Zone Defenses, For The Frustrated Coaches That Turn to Zone Defense. Promotes aggressiveness in a confined area. Your defense is set-up in the shape of a “X” with two players up top, one in the middle, and two on the bottom. For help with this see. I am wanting to run a 4-1 defense this season to switch things up a bit. Generally protects the basket better and a well played zone causes opponents to rush shots (causes impatience by the offense). Keep the drills short Low skill? I know some coaches (like me) that never change defenses, some will change a couple times during the game based on flow/situations, and others that will change defenses continually. What defense should you teach youth players (zone, man, press)? The perimeter defender will play a man to man type of defense and stick with the designated offensive player at all times instead of covering a specific area like the other players. Zone Defense - using zone defense is a very effective way of preventing the opponents from getting quick and easy goals. What is a 3-2 Zone Defense in Basketball? Knowing responsibilities and who should guard the ball can be confusing as the ball is reversed, causing the ball to be uncovered at times. The 1-2-2 zone defense features three perimeter players at the top of the zone and two post players close to the bottom of the zone. In a 1-2-2 zone defense, the top defender is on the basketball and the two wings are protecting the free-throw line and allowing the pass to be made to the wing. The offense can take advantages of mis-matches by putting their best player in the "zone area" of the opponents' weakest defender. The 4-1 zone defense is a special type of zone that is setup with four defenders across the high post and wing areas with one additional defender that protects the basket. The 2-3 zone defense is the most commonly used zone defense. So you can have really poorly executed man to man and zone defense, yet still be successful simply because the changing of the defenses confuses the offense. Additionally, there are certain hybrid defenses such as junk defense or match-up zone defense which combine elements of man to man defense alongside zone defense. Its weakness is it is vulnerable to good outside shooting, with open areas on the wings, point and high post. 1. Additionally, two or three defenders will typically focus on covering the areas below the free throw line such as the low post and corners. In basketball, zone defense is a defensive formation in which a coach assigns each player to cover a specific area of the court. This is a gambling zone defense that will help you get some steals and fast breaks. (Prevents Spam). The Internet's #1 Website for Basketball Camps, Resources and Learning Products. This meant that you had to guard your man, only your man, and this gave… According to Synergy Sports data used in the report, 21 of the league’s 30 teams faced fewer than 156 possessions of zone defense for the entire 2018-19 season. In no time at all, your team can master these techniques and start eating zone defense for breakfast… even if you’re opponent is stronger, faster, or more experienced. Good ball movement increases the chances of defensive break downs and results in good shots. Some coaches will play zone after the miss baskets and play man after made baskets. We have a much smaller team but are very aggressive on defense. This basketball play uses a quick reversal and then counters back the other way to get a good shot attempt. Flexible - works with quick athletic players and slower less athletic players. If you'd like to dig deeper and get more information about developing an effective 1-3-1 zone defense, we highly recommend Will Rey’s 31 Defense. 2-3 (2-1-2) Zone Basketball Defense. Effort low ,skill low, knowledge low and not getting better 15-20 practices in. Dan - I think having fun is important. This type of basketball defense could be a good strategy to implement against teams that have a strong inside game and/or poor outside shooting. In a zone defense players are responsible for guarding an area (zone) of the court. You can argue that man to man defense is better for the development of players. We use two zone offenses, called "zone 1" and "zone 2". wwe are playing a team that has a center that is 6' -1" and 190 pounds which is huge in our league. How often do you typically change defenses in a game? Zone defense is often effective in stopping dribble penetration and one-on-one moves. The 1-3-1 zone defense consists of a top defender known as a chaser, two wing defenders, a middle defender (also known as a center) and finally, a bottom defender known as a warrior or tail. That in my opinion can cut the kids short.... they should learn solid defense fundamentals and not use switching defenses as a crutch. Against a zone defense offenses can become stagnant with a lack of player and ball movement. These are designed to be used against a zone with a two-guard defensive front ("zone 1"), and a zone with a one-guard defensive front ("zone 2"). The names given to zone defenses start with the number of players on the front of the zone (farthest from the goal) followed by the numbers of players in the rear zones. While playing zone defense you’llfoul less and your players become less tiredwhich makes this option an interesting strategy, especially near the end of a game. Make the zone defense work by moving the ball from sideline to sideline. Some zone defenses can be more susceptible to the 3-point shot. This is 1-3-1 continuity zone offense used against a 2-3 zone defense.

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