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If you are not a true Christian it is your own fault, not the fault of the many false teachers who are making merchandise of Christianity. Since the achievement of righteousness comes by God’s gift of grace, who is eligible to receive it? What resulted from one act of Divine righteousness? God will crush Satan under the feet of the saints. What does the Law of Moses accomplish? All of it—even our sense of honor, friendliness, willingness to help others—must go to the cross. The waving of the firstfruits sets apart the whole harvest as holy to the Lord. The mark of Antichrist is being stamped in the forehead, in the mind. The authority of Satan was destroyed on the cross of Calvary. The Dispensationalist holds that a true Christian saint is one who possesses the correct statement of faith concerning the Lord Christ. When the Lord God of Heaven views the triumphant resurrection of His Son, He beholds each of us as being part of that resurrection. Righteous behavior must proceed from both the old covenant and the new covenant or else Divine judgment certainly shall follow. What can we say of the “believer” if, after a period of time, no new creation is in evidence? Introduction to Romans. Some scholars are of the opinion that Paul had an affliction in his eyes and had difficulty seeing well enough to write. The solution is the Character, the Person, the Virtue of the Lord Jesus Christ. What a Day of days is ahead for the nation of Israel! 25. What do we know to be true of the material creation? The term “saints” means holy ones. Consider: on marrying Joseph, Asenath became one with him according to God’s Word pertaining to marriage. Each person born on the earth has been convicted of sin already and is awaiting the sentencing of the Judgment Seat of Christ. Paul was not contrasting God’s salvation in Christ with righteous, godly behavior when teaching we are saved by grace and not by works. Even though he himself had never been among them, Paul felt qualified to admonish them because of the grace that God had given him to make the Gentiles obedient to the faith. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, as we rest our faith and trust on Him and His work. He called out the objects of mercy, even us, not only from among Jews but also from among the Gentiles. We Gentiles have interpreted Paul’s “righteousness of God without the law” to mean, “righteousness of God apart from godly living”—a destructive error. Notice that our resurrection depends on the fact that the Holy Spirit is dwelling in us, and will issue from the Holy Spirit who is in us. 20. Because we are unable to change our behavior the end result is death—the destruction of our fellowship with God (I John 1:7). 9. 25. The answer is found in the sovereignty, the foreknowledge, the predestination, the election of almighty God. The only reason for the existence of secular government is to enforce God’s laws of morality. The Spirit of God implants in us the Virtue, wisdom, and energy of Christ—His love of righteousness and hatred of lawlessness. The sin was not a recognized problem apart from the declarations of the Law of Moses. Serve the Lord. We simply cannot participate in the works of Satan, even if they are endorsed by our government. The Christian must be patient and look to God rather than attempt to grasp control of circumstances that are displeasing to him or that he thinks are unrighteous. 14. Romans 9:17,18 is a critical passage of Scripture. 12. Notice the Divine sovereignty: “There shall come”! Read Psalms 44:22. For centuries, students of the Bible from all walks of life have hailed the Book of Romans as one of the most important theological expressions in the history of the world. Eternal life does not come on the basis of a correct statement concerning the work of redemption and the lordship of Christ. The wages suited to their acts of perversion. He is “alive” in his ignorance of the Law, just as Adam and Eve enjoyed the fellowship of God even though they were naked. There is no true Christian discipleship other than the constant performing of God’s will to the best of our understanding. What did God say in Hosea, concerning the calling of the elect Gentiles? There will be some who will not receive Christ as Lord of all. This means there is a continuing verdict of not guilty proceeding from God, the Judge of the bench of Heaven. An “expert Christian,” that is, someone who is attaining Christ-likeness but who is not an inseparable aspect of the radiance of Christ’s resurrection Life, is not of God. We of today are being helped to gain deliverance from sin and also the authority and ability to govern the nations of saved peoples of the earth; just as the authority and ability to judge the tribes of Israel have been created in the Apostles of the Lamb. We do not pamper sin or rebellion in our life. If we ignore God’s plan for us, choosing instead to occupy ourselves with the human activities of the world, we are not fulfilling God’s purpose in calling us in Christ. If he is dead he is dead. Sometimes it is impossible to buy a car or house without borrowing money, and both may be necessary according to our particular situation. (For further background, see the ESV Study Bible, pages 2174–2178, available online at Scripture chapters verses with full summary, commentary meaning, and concordances for Bible study. At some point the view was advanced that we accept Christ because we cannot keep the commandments of God. 15. Glorification is a sovereign work of God. The present earth, and then the new earth, are the proper homes of the saint. The fact that God created the universe is regarded as undesirable, unscientific dogma, while the easily disproved hypothesis of evolution is held up as scientific truth. Paul’s point is that an Israelite—in terms of the prophecies and promises of the Scripture—is not merely an individual who descended from Abraham after the flesh, a natural descendant. Israel cannot be born of the natural reproductive abilities of human beings. 51. “Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed [disappointed; confounded].”. It absolutely is true that all have sinned and have come short of the Glory of God. The Dispensational purists are teaching that the New Testament exhortations to holiness are not a part of Christianity, since we are saved by grace and not by godly behavior. 6. 9. Each of the Ten Commandments is a judgment against wicked spirits, against the evil powers of spiritual darkness. The individual who is not walking according to the desires of his or her flesh and soul but according to the Spirit of God. In no manner was Asenath separate from Joseph and Joseph’s family. Predestination is a sovereign work of God. Romans 8:19 is one of the most significant passages in the Scriptures. He must confess to God that his attitude is sinful and has no place in the Kingdom of God. Apart from an inner spiritual resurrection there can be no physical resurrection. A “firstfruits” of our personality has been harvested and then “waved” before the Lord (Leviticus 23:11). God will explain the paradoxes of the Scriptures to those who love him, but the remainder of the people will remain blind. Even Paul believed the purpose of studying was to obey! The part of our personality that is proceeding from Christ is actually and practically righteous because Christ is God’s righteousness. Given the fact that we are being created an integral part of the resurrection and revelation of Christ, it is unthinkable that we should choose to yield to the demands of sin. 12. 2. Are Christians identified by a statement of faith in Christ or by righteous conduct? It seems only a few have received Christ as Lord. Our marriage to Christ, requiring as it does an intense interaction with the living Christ in every detail of life, produces a righteousness of character and behavior that the Law never could produce. The person who delights in evil will find many opportunities to achieve the desires of his heart and will be able to justify his filthiness from the Scriptures. In many instances it is sufficient to name the sin before God. 11. Paul believed that his work had been accomplished in Asia Minor and in Greece. What can we know if we keep renewing our mind in Christ? If we are serving the Lord in our own wisdom and strength, we are working in the flesh and not in the Spirit of God. 28. Therefore each of us should give full attention to the work of the Holy Spirit in forming Christ in us. It is created in us until we fulfill in our personalities the highest possible interpretation of the Law, the Torah. What is true of the members of Christ’s Body? At this point God brought Abraham from his tent. Notice that the elect are not predestined to be saved, they are predestined to be in the image of Christ. Now do you understand why God allows sin and rebellion to continue in His creation? This is taking place today as some Gentile Christians are devoting their lives to the task of bringing the Gospel of Christ to the Jews. The complete verse-by-verse Great Book of Romans STUDENT Study Guide by Frank Turek and Brady Blevins. Christ has not lost His Identity as a Person. This is your reasonable service of worship, the only sacrifice I will accept from you.”. If any of us is practicing a behavior that is forbidden by the conscience of our brother or sister in Christ, we are to change our behavior in a manner that will strengthen and build up our fellow member of the Body of Christ. In our eyes He is blessed to the ages of ages. 28. God is glorified when we keep the law, not, ordinarily, when we break the law. The Divine foreknowledge governs the decisions of God concerning the destiny of each individual. This is not because their hearts or consciences are different from other men, it is because demon spirits have warped their natural instincts of right and wrong. Otherwise he will bring on himself the condemnation of God and of the civil authorities. Why must the whole be consumed? Others, of which this writer is one, are teaching the opposite. 5. 34. 17. They became conscious of sin before Divine preparation had been made for their garments of righteousness, so to speak. But there is no doubt that if we Christians will repent of our unbelief and disobedience, turning to God in Spirit-empowered worship and supplication, He will pour on us the latter rain of His Holy Spirit. to be the Apostle to the Gentiles. In what condition is the believer living if he suspects that what he is doing is not pleasing to the Lord Jesus Christ? You who are teaching others, aren’t you teaching yourself? What do we conclude as we realize God gave His Son to die for us in order to accomplish His plan for us? 17. Herodion, a relative of Paul. He is ready to give thanks for whatever kind of food is set before him to eat. 54. We may ask, Did God cause Pharaoh or Judas or Ananias to rebel against the Spirit of God? “And the God of peace shall bruise [crush] Satan under your feet shortly.”, “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you.”. To maintain we are debtors to the flesh to walk in the flesh; to say we are condemned to disobey God while we are in the world; is to deny the ability of the new covenant to make us new creatures in Christ. This concept is extremely important. What is necessary if we are to realize our coheirship with Christ? When we die with Christ on the cross we become legally dead from God’s standpoint. Or is the Christian Church the expression in the earth of the atoning death and triumphant resurrection of the Lord of Glory? 9. This incorrect goal well may be the main reason for our difficulty in understanding the Apostle Paul. If we would think of salvation as a process, a program that has a specific beginning, a specific plan for change, and a specific conclusion, an alpha and an omega, we would be closer to the Scriptures in our understanding. God will sacrifice nations of people in order to accomplish His purposes in His chosen people. The Christian who lives “in the flesh” rather than in prayerful obedience to the Holy Spirit is placing his salvation in jeopardy (Romans 8:5-13). 45. Usually it is the pride and self-seeking of the Christian that causes him to break rules and resist the law. you would like further study on any chapter, I suggest you read Dr. James Boice’s commentaries on Romans. The physical resurrection is described in the fifteenth chapter of First Corinthians. We are to live by the power of His resurrection. 27. I once read that the preaching of Romans has precipitated most of the great revival moments in church history. He in us will pass from person to person on the earth, releasing each of the saved into God’s glorious liberty. Romans 15:25—16:2. The meaning of major passages of the Scriptures will be hidden from him because he does not perceive correctly the plan or the purpose of God. At that time, authority and power will be issued to the saint so sin and death will retain no claim or hold on him in any manner whatever. 24. Do we imagine that we are serving Christ by our own intelligence and strength? The safest procedure is to give up the questionable practice or thing until the Lord makes it plain that there is no problem. Few men in history have been used by the God of Heaven to a degree equal to that of the Apostle Paul. We will be cut off from the root of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. The removal of the Ark from the remainder of the Tabernacle of the Congregation portrays the removal of the firstfruits of the Church from the remainder of the Church, for a season. God’s will is to be done in singleness of heart and mind with no wavering. What question does Paul raise based on what he has just taught concerning our receiving righteousness on the basis of our faith in Christ? Divine justice has not been harmed and a way has been provided for the repentant, believing sinner. This point should be emphasized. Are we compelled to behave unrighteously? In spite of their knowledge of God’s laws, what do they do? The white robe is a symbolic portrayal of the removal of sinful tendencies and the possession of the righteous Nature of Christ. Read Isaiah 52:7. But as soon as God in Christ in the saints confronts Satan in the last days, both the head of Satan and his power to work will be cut off. What has not been as clearly understood by most Christians, it appears, is the provision God has made for the second problem, that is, the bondage of slavery to sin—the compelling power in our flesh that urges us to keep on repeating the disobedience of Adam and Eve. 29. What does the Scripture state concerning the Lord Jesus Christ? Then we will be able in our day to hold up the Lord Jesus Christ to the ends of the earth. Christ guides us in every area of life. Let us turn now to the redemption, the liberation, the salvation that will be brought to us with the return of Christ from Heaven. How was death able to gain power over all men? Then, through His grace (the virtue, wisdom, and power He gives to us) we learn to serve righteousness. From whom, through whom, and to whom are all things? Why is love the fulfillment of the Law of Moses? It is of great help to the victorious saint, the overcomer, the conqueror, when he is in the thick of the conflict, to understand that the Father in Heaven declared him to be righteous before he was born. To the Gentiles, and Rome was a Gentile city. Heaven is not the eternal home of the saint. This isn't intended to be a Cliff's Notes version of Paul's epistle . What are we to do about the deeds of our body? The earth, its peoples, death, life, light, darkness, the present age, the ages to come, every creature, every thing—all belong to Christ and His saints. But the teachers and saints even of his own day could not grasp Paul’s thinking. 10. We absolutely must hold up our physical body a living sacrifice to the Lord. Because Romans is the one book of the Bible that lays out a virtually complete theological explanation of the truth of Christianity. 10. It is the covenant God promised to Israel, “when I shall take away their sins.”, “Their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.”. The book of Romans is the fullest and most comprehensive statement of Christianity. The most important knowledge any individual can possess is the will of God for his life. What should the Christian do when someone becomes enraged and attempts to harm him, or does harm him? When we bow the knee and accept Jesus as Lord, making a verbal confession, God counts that to us as righteousness. The above episode from the life of Samson is a symbolic portrayal of the Day of the Lord. The same condition was true of his wife, Sarah. What did God’s rejection of the Israelites result in? It is not unusual to hear Christian people express the belief that as long as we are in the world we are obligated to sin. 29. This is the same as saying we cannot be delivered from sin by practicing good works. Our inner resurrection and His open manifestation to the world are all part of the one resurrection of Christ. As soon as the full number of elect Gentiles have entered the Kingdom of God, God will turn once again to physical Israel. 14. It is not sufficient that we merely receive righteousness and life for ourselves. The fact that God selected Abraham from all the inhabitants of the large city of Ur, and chose Abraham’s descendants, the nation of Israel, with whom God has dealt in a manner that has never been true of any other race of people, is one of the clearest demonstrations in all Scripture of Divine foreknowledge, predestination, and election. There is no part of our personality that is exempt from the process of death and resurrection in Jesus. What do the Holy Spirit and our spirit both testify? Rather, it is true that after God justifies us we must go through the “wilderness” while God sanctifies us. It is important to note that it is the first resurrection, the redemption of our mortal body, that signifies our adoption as a son of God. The Law of Moses, and the new covenant, have precisely the same objective: to cause us to practice righteousness, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with God. Just as the Egyptian Asenath was part of Joseph, so are we Christians part of Christ. 20. Manasseh and Ephraim became tribes in Israel with all legal rights and inheritance pertaining thereto, including a portion in the land of promise (Genesis 48:20). “At this time will I come, and Sarah shall have a son.”. Not at all. They have been made plain since the world was created, by the things that have been created. They do not persist before the Lord in denouncing and hating the deed. The fruit of Christ-likeness will begin to show in our own personality and behavior, and also in the personality and behavior of those to whom we minister. Certain Jewish teachers, some seeking their own gain, were following the Apostles into the Gentile assemblies and teaching the Law of Moses. The new earth is for the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit, the saints, and the nations of saved peoples of the earth. 37. The writer’s conviction is that it does, with the following two provisions: The above two provisions apply to the Christian. The mark of maturity is skill in the word of righteousness (Hebrews 5:13). Christ declared in advance that only a portion of them would be saved. Today we possess the firstfruits of the Spirit of God. One can read 10 human works about Romans and get 10 different outlines. Saints who labor in the Lord’s vineyard develop a sense of the timing of the Holy Spirit. His kindness is so great as to be incomprehensible to us and His severity is so great as to be incomprehensible to us. 19. How does each saint live and each saint die? And so on and on until we reach the Lord, who rebukes all the prophets. 2. We are living according to our soul and human mind and have been influenced by the prevailing spirit of humanism. 20. By the Holy Spirit’s help we drive it from our life. We must not destroy the work of God for the sake of food. If Christ is being formed in us the new covenant is being formed in us; the grace of God is being formed in us; eternal life is being formed in us; the resurrection from the dead is being formed in us; the way, the truth, and the life are being formed in us; salvation is being formed in us. Then it was Saul’s turn. Every mouth is closed and the whole world is brought under Divine judgment. We are to fear God and “honor the king.” Yet, we remain free in our heart from all men because we are the servants of Christ. About The Publisher We Every devout, experienced Christian will recognize the implications of the issue we are raising here. As soon as the Holy Spirit enters us in resurrection power He begins to lead us into judgment, into putting to death the sinful actions of our body. Death no longer has the power to rule Him. We need to perceive both the kindness and the severity of almighty God. What is the proper way for a Christian to behave? Our responsibility is to yield to the Spirit, to allow Him to direct our preparation for eternal union with the Lord Jesus Christ. To be a disciple of Christ is to be a bondslave of Christ. But how can we obtain righteous behavior in our present life? We have embraced fables in place of the Gospel of the Kingdom of God. No other book has been as foundational to Christian faith as the book of Romans. It is possible to begin the program of salvation and then to fail the course. Because many do use our Study Guide for individual, group or class study and to encourage that, we felt it wise to limit the number of sections. The Christian message stresses we are saved the moment we receive the Lord Jesus. We have said we are not guilty now (Romans 8:1) and we shall be found not guilty in the Day of Judgment (John 5:29) provided we walk each day in the light of God’s will. This list of commentaries is intended to help the reader understand and apply Paul’s message in the book of Romans. If no godly behavior is coming forth in our life, then Christ is not growing in us. 8. They are not demonic but are of our own personality, and so we may perceive them to be proper behavior on our part. 34. What was Paul’s desire for the saints in Rome? 3. Revelation 19:8 means every righteous behavior accomplished in the saint on earth, as Christ lives in and through him, is woven into a garment with which the saint will be clothed at the return of the Lord. Our physical bodies do not belong to Satan but to the Lord Jesus Christ. 6. What has been manifested and witnessed to by the Law and the Prophets? We died with Christ. Do we despise the riches of God’s kindness, forbearance, and patience? Why were the Israelites disobedient to the Gospel? Our own attempts at righteousness may end in disappointment and confusion. This is Gnosticism. The Christian personality is to be governed by the Spirit of God who is dwelling eternally in the Christian. The resurrection from the dead is not a reward for possessing correct beliefs of doctrine, accepted theology. When we are under grace, the Law has no authority over us. He revealed this in His redemption of the Apostle Paul. In the muscles? What did David declare concerning the blessedness of the man to whom God reckons righteousness apart from the works of law? It is that salvation comes at the end of our discipleship, not only or even primarily at the beginning. 2. It is the word of faith that Paul preached. God’s requirements are not some fantastically difficult and complicated program beyond the mind of man to conceive. Until God has reaped His harvest of the Gentiles. There is no such thing as a saint of God who is not doing God’s will perfectly and faithfully. What have people done with the physical creation, the world of nature? 20. The first resurrection from the dead is the promised salvation, the salvation that is to be revealed to the Lord’s faithful disciples when He returns to earth. As long as we are abiding in the Lord Jesus, as long as we are pressing forward each day in the work of transformation, the blood of Jesus is maintaining our guiltlessness before the Father. It is because no part of our own righteousness is acceptable to God. The experienced saint understands that he always must be on his guard against the lusts of his flesh and soul. 6. God was aware this would take place. 44. Those who do not turn from their evil, after all the mercy and provisions of the Lord, shall be cast into the area prepared for the devil and his angels. Things that result in peace and that build up in spiritual strength our brothers and sisters in Christ.

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