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simple basketball offensive strategies

When Joe B. Once you have the ball in the front court, keep attacking via the pass. This can best be described as realizing how one player fits into the space on the floor, given the "relative" positioning of the other players, both offensive and defensive. Make sure your receivers come to the ball! Start from close to the basket and shoot several shots. If that option isn’t available, the post player sets a screen on the wing. of a motion offense. Published by bballtools on While we are strong advocates for running the motion offense at the youth level, we also think it's okay to have a couple quick-hitters in your arsenal out of timeouts or in special situations. Motion Offense in Youth Basketball The motion offensive schemes have taken over the game of basketball over the last decade. Continue doing this until the player reaches a point where he cannot shoot without changing his shooting mechanics. method to score baskets and get open shots against your opponent When first developing basketball plays for offense, coaches should use a basic strategy that can be changed based on players' size and ability level. Dribble-drag a defender, drive a gap, improve passing angles, screen, skip, swing, cut, flash, or overload to shift the zone. On misses, they jam and double the rebounder with the two closest players and get into a zone press as well, with the same principles. To start the fast break, all five defensive players must rebound, then turn away from the defense to pass the ball up the floor. The type of early offense should be determined by the kind of shots that the team is looking for, based on it's yearly strength. If, by chance, he cannot, then he knows that the shooter will be in the opposite corner and behind the double for a three-point opportunity. Flatten out the triangle, with you at the center point of the triangle. Players play in shifts for thirty seconds to a minute-and-a-half. Remember, it is not simply practice that makes perfect, but rather the pursuit of perfect practice that makes perfect! You always want good shooters to take open shots. There is a huge difference in shooting percentage (generally over a 40% difference) between wide-open shots and heavily-contested shots. If the ball goes to the strong side (straight ahead), the guard should look for the center, slashing ball-side to the basket. Move the ball, move players, look for cutters, and check all options--in order. In the Summer Olympics, we see synchronized diving or swimming, and during the Winter Olympics, there is figure skating in pairs. Be yourself. The 5 Offensive Strategies that ALL Coaches Should Employ. The offensive players always try to fill the five spots, and in this sense is similar somewhat to a patterned offense. Some general guidelines are listed to make your offense a quick-hitting, high-scoring machine. Basketball Offense Tips. Have them jump to the ball and pivot in the air so that they are facing the front court when they land. Buy Coaching Youth Basketball: Offensive Strategies by online on at best prices. Take the high-percentage shots that you want to take WHEN you want to take them; however, the best way to combat a zone defense may be to BEAT THE ZONE UP THE FLOOR. Poor court vision results in forced passes, offensive fouls against unseen defenders, and the inability to see open teammates who might be able to advance the ball up the court more effectively. Post players post up for a two-count, then go away to screen for a teammate. ), On defense, the defensive relationship is defined by the "ball/man line." After a score, they get into what amounts to a full-court 1-2-2 full-court press. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. In youth basketball, most productive offensive plays are characterized by continuous passing and simple movement. Basketball Basics. Full-court press. They really leave anyone deep open, using their two deep guys to come up and intercept anything over the top to the front guards. Art of Teaching Basketball Practice Guidelines. Block out, pursue the ball, chin the rebound. Win more games! It's different for everybody. Let's start there. The 1-3-1 offense is a simple offensive set, easy to learn, with good spacing, a high post and low post presence, and is a good choice for youth and middle school teams. Request a Tip Now! So, be the aggressor. Every time players get the ball, they should square up and look down the court before initiating transition. This is called "team defense." Any time the ball is dribbled, you must make the proper ball side or help side adjustments in positioning. Just like fashions and furnishings, certain basketball strategies travel in cycles and make a comeback every now and then. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Basketball tips and hundreds of other topics. The "back door" is a great counter to good defensive pressure. Remember the Three D's: Drive, Draw, Dish. Teams tend to want to play an up-tempo fast break game or they want to slow the game down and get into their half court offense. If the opponent scores, five inbounds up court quickly and the process starts all over again. Throw the ball ahead if someone is open, then attack the basket and look for your shot. Back to Sports Back to Basketball The rules of basketball can vary slightly depending on the level of play (for example professional rules differ from college rules) or where the game is played (international rules are different from USA professional rules). Screeners can give a visual signal (fist in the air) and/or a verbal call (the teammate's name) that they are screening. Rick Majerus, when he was the coach at the University of Utah, said that pressure is when the referee is counting. Stretch the defense. ), he knows what his next move should be. There are many forms of motion offense used by teams across the world. Regardless of what type of basketball offense you are running, or what type of defense you’re playing against, these 16 indisputable laws will always lead to better ball movement, more open shots, and a higher field goal percentage. The Importance of Being an Offensive Threat. The dividends are huge. You should be on the basket side of the ball/man line with your back to the baseline and far enough away from your man to help your teammates. Then, contest those shots and rebound. This clears the whole right side for the point guard to drive full-speed to the hoop, which is his mission. Players who have a keen awareness of the ball/man line at all times understand "relative motion." Many coaches, to their credit, try to create an atmosphere of sharing and unselfishness. You would think that the emphasis on the break and shooting threes would negate opportunities to get to the free throw line (I believe this goal to be worthwhile). With the advent of the passing game, dribbling was discouraged and the weave went by the wayside. A balanced court will also have proper spacing between teammates — about 15-18 feet apart. In the 60's, the Boston Celtics (and even the Harlem Globetrotters) made the dribble weave a very popular offense. In a track offense, players must stay on one "track" until the need for a counter to the defense switches "tracks" (much like a train on a track) and sends the play into a different set. Don't run any other drills that result in scores where they are not required to inbound the ball. The most important thing to remember when setting up an offensive play is balance: A balanced court will be set up for high percentage shots with designated rebounders and players ready for defense transition. A team or individual cannot properly execute Step B until they are proficient in Step A. Finally, they need to see the actions of their teammates while they have the ball and what those actions aim to accomplish. It goes on to say that he asked the "Sole of the Game" not for "hops" or "handles," but for COURT VISION. The sequence of curls, cuts, screens, slips, drives, and shots are ALL well-thought-out, sequenced, and yes, disciplined. Qu’est-ce qu’une stratégie offensive ou défensive ? Some definitions of pressure are: "the burden of mental or physical distress" or, "an oppressive condition of physical, mental, social distress." Le basketball continue d’évoluer alors que la condition physique et le niveau de compétences des joueurs évoluent et que les entraîneurs inventent des stratégies pour en tirer avantage et remettre en cause l’évolution des aspects techniques du jeu. "The strength of the wolf is the pack." Sample 1. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Basketball tips and hundreds of other topics. If no one is open, swing the ball to the other side of the floor and make cuts according to your early offense. Incorporate these principles into your pressbreak and, pretty soon, teams will stop pressing you because of your success against it. There is so much contact in the game today that officials seem to be allowing more and more without calling a foul. For attacking man-to-man defense, several simple motion patterns and a few simple plays are presented below. Pass the ball quickly--don't hold it any longer than a two-count. A track offense may ensure that this proper spacing occurs. This is to make two defenders think about which one should guard you. The early offense should lead into whatever offensive attack your team is running. Many coaches call their "patterned" offense a "continuity" offense. Then, they should be able to simply go out and play in a way such that everything just happens the way it is supposed to without much thought. After the zone has shifted, use pass fakes and shot fakes. Other players should cut to the basket. Remain poised. For example, when the offense has five players along the perimeter or when you have to defend an excellent perimeter shooter. Discourage the dribble, particularly the speed dribble, against a zone press. Read these 20 Offensive and Defensive Strategies Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. If an offensive player takes a step in any direction, the pressure defender will naturally also take a step in that direction. A player with this understanding will know how to move to get open, create proper spacing, pass angles, play good on ball defense, and give good team defensive help. This allows you to protect the lane and high post area while giving help in the post. A good grasp of some of the following zone offensive "habits" will put your mind at ease (at least a little bit!). If the ball goes to the middle, look away from the direction of the pass and pass to the weak side forward, who is slashing back door to the basket. Building Offensive Strategies. So run a back door to a player who has just made an outside shot. But they do have the freedom to shoot, early and often. Then, the passer knows exactly when he is making the back door cut and can be prepared to pass. If you're shooting all perimeter shots without getting fouled, you're missing out on great opportunities. Learn the most common defensive schemes with help from these Pro Tips. The center trails. Offensive competitive strategies seek to shape an industry through first-mover and other aggressive moves. This can best be described as realizing how one player fits into the space on the floor given the relative positioning of the other players, both offensive and defensive. However, there is far more to scoring than simply shooting the ball through the hoop. The post player can come out in emergencies only. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. 1.1.1. If you move too soon, your defender may make contact with the screener before the screen is set. If overplayed and unable to get open to receive the ball, go back door or go screen for someone else. The defense wants you to feel the kind of pressure that is: "a force that compels one into mistakes." The passer should make a bounce pass to the cutter. Most back-cuts are pressure releases against defensive overplays; however, they can also result from defensive errors such as losing vision of the ball or losing vision of the player that they are guarding. Make the practice more difficult than the real thing. Against an even-front zone (2-1-2 or 2-3), get in an odd-front set (1-3-1,1-2-2, or 1-4). 18 All Contents Proprietary Driving Actions Strong Side Wing Drive Man Offense 1 5 2 3 4-On a strong side wing middle drive, players should have the following rotations: 1. If the passer is not able to throw the outlet, he could clear to the sidelines with a couple of dribbles, if necessary, and then pass it. This gives them much more latitude to attack the defense. The System runs a designated outlet to the point guard, a primary shooter runs the right, and the forwards run the left. Have them worry about the "attack." Never pick up your dribble without knowing where you will pass the ball. So, whatever defensive method is employed, it should be developed with the philosophy of being in position to contest shots. If the guard cannot pass to either of these two, he should reverse the ball to the other guard (before the ball crosses half-court), who is always behind the first guard. Fast and free shipping free returns cash on delivery available on eligible purchase. Catch and hold the ball for a two-count, looking for cutters. Improve their skills. On Ball - If you are guarding the ball you will be in a defensive stance in front of your man trying to pressure or contain the ball. For example, the point guard could pass to a post at the corner of the free throw line who could hit a wing player cutting. Offensive and Defensive Strategies Tips. Game Preparation. Too many teams today just fly down the court without any regard to body control, court position, or defensive numbers. Offenses that have some "back door options" are very effective against teams that play a pressure defense. If everyone on your team executes these fundamentals, you will not give up many easy shots. Then, the "reacting" defensive player continues with the contact and the defense gets whistled for a foul. That is what the defense is counting on. Break down the parts of the offense or defense and make sure that each player understands the precise timing of the events. Traditional 1.1. Even so, a large majority of open back cuts do not just happen by accident; they are set up with ball control and good outside shooting. If a defender is in a direct line between you and the basket, MOVE. The definition of defense is: "The act of defending against an attack or danger." The fast break should lead to quick and easy shot opportunities. I feel the same way sometimes. Dribble into a gap and dish to the basket or kick out to a shooter, but look to pass to where the defender comes from. Accepting the handoff is an art in itself. The ball/man line is an imaginary line between your man and the man with the ball. Don't let one mistake lead to two or three. If none of the above opportunities presents itself, now there is time to run your offense to try to achieve the above goals. They do not really look to throw it ahead to the shooter, but rather they clear him through off of a double screen on the weak side. Keep the ball in the middle of the floor as much as possible and away from the trapping zones. That "line of development" will create the most difficulty for the defensive post player to determine a "side" to play defense on. Whatever the team chooses to do should be based on a system that gets better players early shots and then flows into the offense that the team is running at the time. The player should then change directions and make a quick cut behind the defender, through the "back door," to the basket. Build your offense around simple strategies of attacking the attacker, teaching movement and technique, and, creating discipline before freedom; Use the 3 Possession Read Drill to teach your athletes offensive actions that will help them control the defense I once heard Larry Brown (Hall of Fame College and NBA Head Coach) say that when he plays a zone defense, he feels that the other team will make EVERY outside shot, and when the opponent plays a zone, he thinks that his team will NEVER make an outside shot. In sports, defense is defined as: "Means or tactics used in trying to stop the opposition from scoring." See the floor. Coaching Techniques & Strategies Coaching Prerequisites. A good defense may create turnover opportunities that typically lead to easy transition baskets. Only when those details are covered will the offense be truly effective. Fifteen-to-eighteen feet of spacing between all of your players will probably give you the best chance of spreading out your offense and making it hard to guard. As your man moves, you must move. When executed properly, the DHO can be added to the back door and the pick and roll as a valuable counter to denied passes and a great misdirection play to incorporate into any offense. If another team takes twelve three-point shots, they will only need to make four shots (thirty-three percent) to get the same twelve points. Now you are off to the races! Call out instructions to them. Wide arcs and side-to-side cuts favor the defense. That is true to a large extent. After the zone has shifted, the posts can seal high or low IF the defense is INSIDE the offense. A second option is running a continuity offense, which is much more … HoopTactics The World's Most In-Depth Look Into Proven Basketball Offensive Strategies! They have the center on the ball and normally full-front all opponents, daring them to throw over the top. Constantly point to the man that you will be responsible for on the next pass and talk to your teammates. Jumping to the ball allows you to be in proper position to front cutters, avoid screens (be a moving target), and help teammates. If he passes the ball back to your man, sprint back and be ready to pressure him again. If not, slow things down.

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